School Finder
A parent approached Fiona. Her child was very unhappy at school, under-achieving academically and was being held back by the school in sports, so the child was becoming disillusioned and turned off school. Fiona successfully removed the child from the school and relocated to her to another school which suited her much better and allowed her to flourish. She is now representing her country and competing at international level in her chosen sport.
School Surveys
A prep school was concerned about the number of children leaving and their poor sign-up conversion rate. Fiona, using her strong educational background, was able to interview multiple parents and get to the true reasons why the children were leaving or not signing up. Their conversion rate was transformed and pupils stopped leaving, allowing the school to grow significantly.
Selling a School
A London prep school approached Charles to help them sell as the couple running it wanted to retire. Charles wrote the Information Memorandum, ran the process for getting bids. He then handheld the owners through the due diligence and legal process, resulting a successful sale and retirement.
UK Partnerships
Charles was approached by an Indian educational family looking to start a UK styled school in India. They needed a UK partner and brand to help them do this. Along with Fiona’s extensive school contracts, a short-list was drawn up and a process run, resulting in a partner being selected and an agreement being signed. Both Charles and Fiona are giving on-going support to both parties to ensure a successful project is executed.